ere’s one more meme on our Street Children Series.
Should we leave our children on the street to surrender their lives to all the vagaries of wild street life, or do something beyond giving them alms to maintain their street life?
Think about it. They need a chance. Let’s not force them to surrender to the life of beggary.
Please support our baby steps in that direction by sharing your influence in one or more of the following ways:
1. Like & share this #ShareYourInfluence & #ChangeTheWorld campaign on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter & YouTube.
2. Post it on your Personal Blog, Video blog, Youtube channel.
3. Clap it on Medium and Thunderclap it on Thunderclap.it.
4. Start a Prosperism or AlgoShare thread on Reddit.
5. Find out more about PROSPERISM & AlgoShare and get updates by following @AlgoShare & @Prosperism_ on Twitter and signing up on www.algoshare.net or www.prosperism.net.