harity has existed in our society as long as poverty has. We are more civilized today than at any time in history. We are more giving today than we ever were. Yet the wealth gap between the rich and the poor sees no slow down. Socialism, communism, capitalism and all isms in between have failed to halt the growing wealth inequality. Isn’t it time we broke the shackles of status quo with some radical thinking?
Through this blog we are introducing some radical but rational ways of looking at our deep routed age-old concepts of charity, poverty, beggary, so on and so forth. Here’s another one pushing us to think if the world would be any different if our famous biblical script sought breadwinner rather than bread itself.
Give me not this day my daily bread, Give me this day my daily breadwinner.
We believe technology can offer every underprivileged a sustained breadwinner for good, instead of piecemeal items of charity. Help us with your influence to change the world of the impoverished.
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